Friday, August 2, 2013


(本文為評論文章, 而非專家報告, 敬希垂注)

環保署就新界東北發展計劃的相關 “低調諮詢” , 到一個地步在環保署網頁也不容易找到, 而且諮詢期只有不足一個月, 到星期六(八月三日)就結束了.要不是我昨天在獨立媒體上看到這篇文章,也不知道發佈了這份重要的報告, 而其中有關土壤砷(其氧化物三氧化二砷即"砒霜")含量非常嚴重地超標, 讓我感到非常震驚,剛好上年度在研究院水質學課的研習報告中稍為研究過一下砷(arsenic)與地下水文地質的關係, 便決定讀一讀這份環評報告,並與各位分享我的一些意見, 因為面對那過千頁"雞腸" (英文), 一般人根本不知道從何讀起, 更不知道它在說什麼。

英國老牌土木工程公司ARUP於2008年6月受聘於香港土木工程拓展署及規劃署進行對新界東北新發展區(即古洞北, 粉嶺北, 坪輋/打鼓嶺)的環境評估研究, ARUP實力雄厚, 香港匯豐總行、水立方,、悉尼歌劇院、昂船州大橋都有其參與, 它的公司網頁顯示它在大中華地區現有的項目多達111個,包括建造港鐵沙中線金鐘地底隧道相關的抽水工程。報告初稿在去年11月寫好, 之後經過三次修訂, 最終的第五稿在今年六月公開, 政府亦馬上在七月對此展開諮詢, 諮詢期在本周六結束。

值得留意的是這公司的業務是偏向建築和結構工程的, 雖然我們沒有理由因此質疑ARUP進行環評的實力, 但這樣的中標結果也許反映了香港政府對這個項目是成足在胸的, 因為如果環評一切順利, 環評內的很多資料是有機會重用於建築設計上的,政府可能因此選擇了一所建築上頂尖的大型工程公司而非一所專注於環境評估的工程公司。通常在一所土木工程公司內負責環評和建築設計的是兩個不同的團隊(儘管如此,它們之間當然沒有類似商業銀行和投資銀行之間的防火牆),兩種業務之間並不存在明顯的利益衝突,不過如果政府要避嫌,是可以考慮聘請不同公司的。

至於負責岩土採樣的是FURGO GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES,據聞近年香港有太多大型基建,他們人手缺乏到要cold call 香港大學的畢業生呢!至於負責化驗土壤樣本的是一所在美國華盛頓州一所經美國環保署認可的化驗所,一般來說沒有問題。雖然一般來說化學樣本不宜作長途運輸,但基本上砷是不可能在運送過程中污染樣本的,而且砷礦物在採樣的時候已經明明可見(見下圖),測出高濃度的砷是可以預期的。


大概ARUP在寫報告的時大概汲取了港珠澳大橋一案的“教訓”,把報告寫得驚人地長,把差不多所有的環保層面,相關法例,研究方法與結果都一一涵蓋。在報告內文中關於砷超標的篇幅很小而且散落在各章之中,不過ARUP還是把所有資料收錄在附錄中,而且作了相當詳細的討論. 這麼不尋常的發現沒有在內文加以討論當然有避重就輕的意思, 不過, 我還是十分欣賞報告很努力地解釋為什麼有這樣異常的情況, 可惜他們根本得不出什麼結論, 他們完全不知道究竟砷有沒有溶於地下水, 或者含有砷的土壤和地下水有沒有隨著時間流動, 所以某程度上他們提出的補救措施都是空話, 因為如果他們不知道上述問題的答案, 在設計補救措施是很難估計成效的. 要解答這些問題, 必須要做詳細的地下水文和水文化學調查. 話說回來, 這份報告最令我不信服的是21幅砷濃度的等值圖,  這些圖是用GIS軟件利用內差外差法(interpolation and extrapolation) 畫出來的, 當中的假設就是砷的分佈是一個連續的過程. 我個人認為這個假設並不合理, 因為正如我們看到的, 砷的濃度在不同深度是可以突變的, 所以我也相信砷超標的位置有很多個而且散落在整個地區裡, 跟下圖估計的形態(由一個最高點往外逐步減少)不盡相同


  • 我認為這是一份優秀的環評報告, 它本身可以被挑戰的地方不多也未必足以讓法庭受理司法覆核申請,不過如果政府接受了這份報告,則表示政府己知悉古洞北土壤的嚴重砷超標,就算政府今次作“低調諮詢”也改變不了這個事實。如果政府漠視報告的結果繼續貿然強推新界東北發展計劃,迴避處理砷超標問題,這份報告可能已為其日後之失敗埋下伏線,因為政府在知情的情況下不合理地增加市民接觸毒物的風險,無論是在規劃設計或施工階段,都有機會受到司法覆核的挑戰。

  • 還有很多魔鬼在細節之中, 時間有限我實在沒有時間去看它的發展計劃圖, 不過如果我沒有看錯砷含量最高的位置將會建成多層公屋, 後果堪虞
  • 當日在原訟庭法庭為港珠澳大橋案作出歷史性判決的霍兆剛法官三年後已成為終審庭常任法官之一,雖然最後工程得以繼續,但這案例正正強而有力地宣告香港法治精神所要求的並不單單是守法和合乎程序,合理性和公平公義也相當重要。我相信香港的司法制度, 不過港府確有提請人大釋法的可能,--人大常委會不是法庭, 是可以不考慮任何證據的, 當然也包括這份環評報告
  • 在工程學上差不多所有事情都是可以考慮的,但不是所有事情都是值得不計代價去做的,而發展新界東北的代價是全港市民承擔的。到這一刻為止,整件事的主導權仍在特區政府手中,現在撒回方案對任何一方也不是壞事, 不過 似乎政府完全沒有意思這樣做, "不見棺材, 不流眼淚"
  • 爭取修改環境影響評估條例, 規定必須備有中文版及由獨立專家撰寫對於報告的摘要
  • 展望未來, 如果冗長的報告與超短諮詢期成為常規, 民間有必要組織專家工作組去審閱這些報告, 目的不在於找錯處, 而是找出供政府及公眾基於客觀事實討論的焦點, 只有這樣作可令改變政府對環評報告"為做而做"的態度, 不再由上而下作出決策, 而是因應各地環境的特質作出合適的設計. 現時一些積極參與這方面的工作的團體, 例如公共專業聯盟, 的規模遠不足以應付日趨複雜的把關工作, 我建議有心人建立一個Crowdsourcing 的網上平台, 讓一些有心有力的專業人士簡單方便地"接job" , 每人看報告的一小部分, 然後再整合成為公眾易於明白的專業意見. 當然, 我明白要工程師義務地花毫不充足的時間讀報告是相當為難的, 因為稍一疏忽或下結論便有可能是專業失當, 隨時連專業資格也要賠上, 所以長遠來說, 教育公眾去了解環評報告的重要性及一些相關知識也是十分重要的--在任何議題上, 專業人士或代理人的角色應只在於帶出問題和引導討論,  全民共議與全民監察才是香港人以後要走的路



Letter to the Permanent Secretary for the Environment/ Director of Environmental Protection, HKSAR

Dear Ms Anissa Wong Sean-yee, JP ,

I am a Hong Kong resident, groundwater hydrologist and graduate student at the University of Arizona. My research areas are in groundwater modeling, stochastic and statistical hydrology, inverse models, geostatistics and contaminant transport. The recent Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report on the Northeast New Territories (NENT) New Development Area has caught my attention because of its extremely high level of arsenic (As) in soil samples collected at multiple sites. Arsenic, though likely to be naturally-occurring, poses extreme health hazards to human health. According to the "geochemical atlas of Hong Kong 1999" enclosed in the EIA report, the Kwu Tung North Area has the highest arsenic level in Hong Kong. This agrees with the field observations reported in the EIA. Therefore, I believe no matter how many of the high As samples are treated as outliers, it is without doubt that the Kwu Tung North site is located at a high As area. Extreme caution must be taken to contain the arsenic in order to protect public health.
After carefully reviewing the EIA report, I believe the report's comments and contents have generally followed proper scientific procedures. In other words, I believe the poisonously high arsenic level indicated in this report is trustworthy. I am concerned that the development of the Kwu Tung North area may pose harmful and irreversible risk to the groundwater and soil in the area. Although the EIA report has suggested several measures to remediate the potential harmful effects of high arsenic, a reliability assessment of these measures cannot be reasonably done without understanding the whether the arsenic is dissolving and if so how is it migrating. Therefore, I urge the EPD to take the following measures:

-- Ask the Executive Council (EC) to delay the development of the Kwu Tung North area to allow experts to further investigate the high arsenic occurrences. Ask the Legislative Council (LegCo) to approve related funding. If LegCo does not approve funding, do not sign off the EIA phase for the NENT New Development Area because the study is incomplete.

-- Conduct detailed hydrogeochemical study on the origin and fate of the high arsenic. In particular, study the redox condition and dissolution rate of the arsenic into groundwater.

--Hydraulic gradient and different hydraulic forcing are pivotal to the transport of mobile arsenic in groundwater. A detailed high-resolution hydrogeological study in the area is necessary to characterize the potential flow paths of contaminants in complex geological environments.

--Review a series of articles found in Nature, Science, Water Resources Research and other scientific journals by MIT professor Charles Harvey and his team on arsenic mobilization in groundwater in Bangladesh and India. It studies the hydrogeological reason to explain why arsenic poisoning rate increases tremendously after these countries switched from surface water to groundwater a few decades ago.

--Reliability analysis on arsenic containment should be included in all phases of development and construction design thereafter based on the regional groundwater flow study and hydrogeochemical analysis

--Review the cost (to the public, to the environment and to investors) to study and develop the area. If it is found to be too high, prepare a technical memorandum to advice EC to terminate the development. This is the professional responsibility of all civil servants and engineers to reflect information to the best of their knowledge.

--Even if the arsenic is found immobile and the project , impose a ban on excavation of the high arsenic soil so that it will not be transported elsewhere. This is the safest measure one could possibly take to contain the high-arsenic soil.

 --The proposed public rental housing and local housing in the development plan laid exactly on top of the high arsenic area. Even if the NENT New Development Area is approved for development in the future, please issue a technical memorandum to urge the Town Planning Board to impose a height restriction on the buildings to be constructed so that pilings for foundation do have to be drilled deep underground and causes migration of the harmful arsenic.

Should you have any questions, please contact me at I would like to receive an official response from the EPD regarding my comments.

Yours Sincerely,
Michael Tso
Hydrology and Water Resources
University of Arizona

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Dear friends,

During my college years, Jesus has been leading me and has challenged me to serve Him through alleviating water issues, a subject that I am always passionate about. Last winter break I finished my application to several hydrology graduate schools, hoping my future career will be related to water resources management. At the same time, I also had a desire to use the time immediately after graduation for a short mission trip. Therefore, I have been searching, praying and waiting for an opportunity. Finally, I am given an opportunity to go to South Asia for a summer mission trip. The goal of the project that I will work on is to transform communities as we provide clean water to more than 1000 villages (I am only doing part of them). I hope by meeting this great need I will be given opportunities to share about the Living Water that never runs dry. Please support this trip by prayers (I really need it!) and offering. Please also “like” the “One Dream For Water” facebook page as I will be using it to give out more information.

On the last and greatest day of the Feast, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him." (John 7:37-38)

Some details (sorry for safety reasons I can only provide details to this depth)
  • When: 6/14/2012-7/13/2012
  • Where: a particular province in a South Asian country (sorry for safety reasons I can only provide details to this depth)
  • Job: build and replace water pumps; share gospel to local people

Pray for this project:
  • A heart to love God: Pray that God will walk with me in all circumstances,  and He will constantly renew me with a pure heart.
  • A heart to love people: Jesus has challenged all believers to love their neighbors and their enemies. I pray that God can teach me how to love sacrificially
  • A humble heart to serve: Pray that God will teach me how to serve humbly to meet the many needs in the region
  • Pray that I can work closely with fellow mission workers with an united heart and have good sharing in the Spirit
  • Ask that God would provide the resources necessary to provide water pumps in all the villages in this district.
  • The culture is very conservative and more than 95% people believes in their own traditional religions. Pray that God will transform the spiritual atmosphere there
  • Pray for favor with the local government during and as a result of this project.
  • Pray that all those who receive drinking water would be open to receive the Living Water of Jesus.
  • Pray that as a result of this project the Gospel would saturate the area and healthy churches would result.
  • Pray that God will call more people to join or support this ministry
  • Language: the region has its own dialect. Pray that I can work effectively with the translator so that I can interact with the local people
  • Visa, air ticket and immunization issues
  • Physical fitness: I need to walk a lot to complete my job
  • Hot weather: there will be no a/c and temperature can go up to 115/F
  • Adapting to life there: there will be no electricity and hot water (although I don't think I need it) and places to stay will be pretty dirty 
  • Food/water/health: Hope my body works fine because the closest clinic is 1.5 hrs drive away and I need to take a flight to get to the closest hospital in the metropolitan city
  • Fundraising
  • Pray that as I share before and after the trip I can draw people closer to Jesus and they can know Him more.
  • Pray that all the above will give glory and praise to Jesus Christ my Lord and God's full control over all these.
With love and blessings,
Michael Tso